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All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Laura uses picmonkey.com

Laura has written a short tutorial post on how to create a picture montage using PicMonkey.

Here are her instructions:

First of all open up a search engine e.g google chrome and search 

On the top centre of the page there should be a button that says create a collage. When you hover the mouse over it, it should say click to start or drag images here click on it. 
 (It should look like the above images)

Click the Read More below........

Press Open Photos and open the folder on your computer that you wish to take your photos from. You can choose more than one photo and if the layout that comes up does not suit you, you can change it by clicking the second tool on the far left which looks like this.

This gives you a choice of layouts choose the one best suited to you.

Then just press save located on top of your collage and then it will show you an overall view of your collage press save to my computer

 and you are finished! Enjoy:)

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